In Birmingham as it is in Heaven - from the highest office to the darkest street.


Mask Optional Beginning This Sunday 5/30

The CDC has recently updated their guidance regarding masks. It is no longer necessary for those vaccinated to wear a mask inside or outdoors, nor do they need to socially distance. It is still recommended that non-vaccinated people still mask in social settings. With that and the fact that the city of Birmingham and the state of Alabama no longer have mask mandates, the leadership at Mosaic Birmingham alongside of our Medical Advisory Team feel that it is no longer necessary for us to require mask during worship. Mask will be optional, and we will still create ways to accommodate for those who desire a level of social distancing.

It is worth stating that there are many good reasons that an attendee would choose to still wear a mask. Masks will be optional, but not discouraged. We encourage every person to do what you think is best for you and your immediate circle of friends, family, and co-workers.

In something like this, and in a time like now, as a community it is more important than ever to show charity and hospitality to one another and to extend understanding and honor to every member of our community. All we ask in all of this is that we be kind, attentive, and respectful of others as we all figuring out our comfort and preferences with masks and distancing as we attempt to return to some version of pre-pandemic normalcy. We continue to encourage those that would be experiencing symptoms of COVID to stay home and join us online.